Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior

Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior
Headquarter Palace for Ministry of Interior

ID project for of Kindom of Saudi Arabia; New Headquarter palace in Jeddah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

36000 square meters of representative areas and corporate spaces.

Some of these proposals has been developed as “client representative” up to the final rendering for the client presentation, some of them has been submitted as concept proposals to the contractor for the complete developing.

Project Leader
Work Status
In Progress
Client Type
Services Involved
Year of the Project
Jeddah - KSA